
The Digital Memory of Catalonia (MDC) uses CONTENTdm by OCLC that specializes in the management of patrimonial graphic collections

Catalònica, the aggregator of digital content of Catalunya, indexes the documents available at the MDC.

Because the content is available at Catalònica, the MDC provides its content to Europeana, the european digital library that gives acces to cultural collections. It is possible due to the aggregator Catalònica.

OAIster, RECOLECTA, Hispana

The content available at the MDC is accessible and findable through different browsers and aggregators at an international and national level which helps to ease the work of researchers. The browsers and aggregators that collect content from MDC are OAIster, RECOLECTA and Hispana

The MDC is promoted by the CSUC and the Biblioteca de Catalunya

Collections available at the MDC that contain manuscripts or content that is difficult to read automatically can use the tool called Transcriu-me!! To add the transcripts of the documents, increasing their description and the future discoverability of the collection.

MDC content is also available through theUniversity Union Catalogue of Catalonia (CCUC)