Legal note

This website, whose DNS address is, is property of Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), whose tax identification number is CIF Q-5856253-I and with social office at:

C/ Gran Capità, 2
08034 Barcelona

This website aims to consult, in open access, digitalized collections related to Catalonia and its heritage or belonging to special collections from Catalan scientific, cultural and/or scholar institutions. The main objectives are: Promoting the digitaliz ation of the Catalan heritage, highlighting some collections that are difficult to access or they have restricted access, be the interface that allows the consult of this heritage and provide the tools for their preservation.

  • Covers the information about MDC: what is it about, involved in collections, participating institutions, etc.
  • Offers the possibility to search and consult online the contained documents in the MDC repository.
  • Offers the link to the specific websites of the institutions that contribute.

All contents, including text, images and any other material, are property of CSUC, or of someone else who have authorized their use to them. The documents included in MDC repository are property of the publisher institutions, and therefore, any act of rep roduction, distribution, public communication or total or partial transformation of the website could require the express and written consent of their authors and/or publisher institutions. CSUC will not be responsible for the information that can be obtained through extern al links.